If you don’t submit to control, if you’re a radical, you’re less likely to be loved. You’re not fitting in with society; you’re viewed as an outsider. There are a lot of social prohibitions about the outsider and the person who’s going to upset things. From the time we’re very young, we’re taught to worship authority, basically, because that’s our key to survival as young … [Read more...]
John Pilger: Real Journalism
Journalism is meant to be about truth. And that perhaps is the most important truth in the world today. John Pilger says journalism is meant to be about truth. In this video he reviews his career over more than 50 years as a campaigning journalist, filmmaker and author. Journalism, he says, has a part to play on behalf of humanity. But too many journalists and journalistic … [Read more...]
Counter-Intelligence: I – The Company
It is no secret that CIA is engaged in criminal activities around the world, some of which are quite deadly, some of which are quite provocative in the sense of laying the groundwork for large scale military conflict, and it’s happening in a lot of countries. This is not unique to the United States. The United States learned some of this from the British who learned it in turn … [Read more...]
Snowden Coverage: If U.S. Mass Media Were State-Controlled, Would They Look Any Different?
by Jeff Cohen The Edward Snowden leaks have revealed a U.S. corporate media system at war with independent journalism. Many of the same outlets -- especially TV news -- that missed the Wall Street meltdown and cheer-led the Iraq invasion have come to resemble state-controlled media outlets in their near-total identification with the government as it pursues the now 30-year-old … [Read more...]
We Steal Secrets – The New Movie About WikiLeaks – Infuriates WikiLeaks
by Danny Schechter on June 1, 2013 in News Every documentary filmmaker begins with deciding on the story to be told, and, then, how to sustain audience interest. If your goal is to inform the public or take a stand on an important issue by explaining its origins and exposing wrong doers then you go one way. If your goal is to entertain and shroud your motives by exploring … [Read more...]