Owen Jarus, LiveScience Contributor A giant "monumental" stone structure discovered beneath the waters of the Sea of Galilee in Israel has archaeologists puzzled as to its purpose and even how long ago it was built. The mysterious structure is cone shaped, made of "unhewn basalt cobbles and boulders," and weighs an estimated 60,000 tons the researchers said. That makes it … [Read more...]
Who is Prisoner X?
In a painstaking investigation, this report amassed compelling evidence to finally uncover the identity of Prisoner X, sending shock-waves around the world when it broke the story. A unique insight to the case. In early 2010 a man was escorted to arguably the most secure prison cell in Israel. The guards taking him there had no idea who he was or what he’d done. “It is … [Read more...]
Secret Door Discovered At Center Of Machu Picchu
For more then fiften years, Thiery Jamin, French archaeologist and adventurer, explores the jungles of south Peru in every possible direction, searching for clues of the permanent presence of the Incas in the Amazonian forest, and the legendary lost city of Paititi. by HeritageDaily After the discovery of about thirty incredible archeological sites, located in the North of … [Read more...]
How to Start a Revolution: Gene Sharp
Gene Sharp authored the one of the most influential papers on non-violent revolution, called "From Dictatorship to Democracy" in 1993. His book was first published in Burma to aid the Karen peoples to overthrow the dictatorship of Myanmar after years of oppression. The book was well received and has since been re-published in many different languages on virtually every … [Read more...]
5000 Year Old Artificial Eye
Archaeologists in the Burnt City have discovered what appears to be an ancient prosthetic eye. What makes this discovery exceptionally awesome is the striking description of how the owner and her false eye would have appeared while she was still alive and blinking: [The eye] has a hemispherical form and a diameter of just over 2.5 cm (1 inch). It consists of very light … [Read more...]