This award-winning movie explores media and it's effect on society. I wish that our schools would have mandatory classes teaching students about media consumption and how it can effect their sense of identity if they don't understand it. Our Western culture is seeing a changes in the mental health of our young people, and I believe these changes are strongly related to how the … [Read more...]
Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus
Let's just go back to the drawing board, leave aside all of the assumptions of Christian history, look at the texts afresh, consider every possibility, and open the whole game up. By doing that we'll see that Christianity is really paganism by a different name. Some of the Bible scholars are mavericks working outside the restrictions of mainstream religious institutions. … [Read more...]
The War on Democracy by John Pilger
'The War On Democracy' (2007) was John Pilger's first for cinema. It explores the current and past relationship of Washington with Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. Using archive footage sourced by Michael Moore's archivist Carl Deal, the film shows how serial US intervention, overt and covert, has toppled a series of legitimate governments in … [Read more...]
How to Start a Revolution: Gene Sharp
Gene Sharp authored the one of the most influential papers on non-violent revolution, called "From Dictatorship to Democracy" in 1993. His book was first published in Burma to aid the Karen peoples to overthrow the dictatorship of Myanmar after years of oppression. The book was well received and has since been re-published in many different languages on virtually every … [Read more...]
The Anthropocene: Can Humans Survive A Human Age?
by Adam Frank About 12,000 years ago (give or take a thousand) the glaciers covering much of the northern hemisphere disappeared and an ice age gripping the Earth ended. The planet became warmer, wetter and entered the geological era scientists call the Holocene. Marked by a stable climate, the Holocene has been good to humans. The entire history of our civilization … [Read more...]