This award-winning movie explores media and it's effect on society. I wish that our schools would have mandatory classes teaching students about media consumption and how it can effect their sense of identity if they don't understand it. Our Western culture is seeing a changes in the mental health of our young people, and I believe these changes are strongly related to how the … [Read more...]
Park Avenue, Money, Power and the American Dream
Academy Award-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room) presents his take on the gap between rich and poor Americans in Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream. Gibney contends that America’s richest citizens have “rigged the game in their favor,” and created unprecedented inequality in the United States. Nowhere, … [Read more...]
How to Start a Revolution: Gene Sharp
Gene Sharp authored the one of the most influential papers on non-violent revolution, called "From Dictatorship to Democracy" in 1993. His book was first published in Burma to aid the Karen peoples to overthrow the dictatorship of Myanmar after years of oppression. The book was well received and has since been re-published in many different languages on virtually every … [Read more...]
WikiRebels: The WikiLeaks Documentary
WikiLeaks has provided us all with a great deal of news of late. The video below provide the background story to the organization and while disturbing at times, is quite simply a must watch. Julian Assange has been branded a traitor by world leaders who say the release of this information endangers many lives. While that is true, is it also that the information itself - not the … [Read more...]