While the US media is focused on the latest political scandal, civil rights in the United States continue to be eroded.
Here is a likely incomplete list of some of the things the government is now allowed to do, essentially because they say they can.
Indefinitely detain Americans: The president said he wouldn’t use this authority, but his lawyers are fighting in court to keep the ability.
‘Sneak and Peek’: It may sound like a child’s game, but what it means is that government agents can sneak into your house or business without your knowledge, look around take pictures, replace things and they don’t have to tell you until after you are arrested. It’s believed that these searches are happening mostly in cases that don’t involve terrorism.
Secret warrants: There is a special court that officials can go to and ask for warrants for surveillance inside the US in “terrorism” cases. No one knows who they are targeting but the court very rarely says no to any application.
‘National Security letters’: Tens of thousands of these letters have been sent demanding companies give the government records on their clients and the companies can’t tell anyone, they just have to give up your information.
Electronic eavesdropping: The government is reportedly trying to come up with a system that would force electronic communications companies to create a backdoor so the government can listen to internet phone calls.
These are just the things that we know about. What else is the government doing? It may be much harder now to find out. The Obama administration’s intense targeting of “leakers” will likely mean sources are going to be less likely to talk about what they know. Would you call the AP with information right now, given the seizure of their phone records?