For the first time at its annual conference, the annual Global Competitiveness Forum in Saudi Arabia, held a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The panel comprised five speakers – Ufologist Stanton Friedman, journalist and well known British UFO authority Nick Pope, venture capitalist and well known UFO authority Jacques Vallee, and well known science writer, brilliant physicist, and History Channel UFO commentator Michio Kaku – who all endorsed the view that extraterrestrial life is real, and has many implications for the world as we know it. The title of their presentation? Contact: Learning From Outer Space.
Learning from Outer Space – Panel
Mr. Friedman opened his remarks with a bold statement, “Flying saucers are real!” and this summed up the perspective of the panel members.
While Jacques Vallee made compelling cases for the existence of living beings elsewhere in the galaxy, drawing upon empirical evidence, religious theology and logical reasoning.
Up to 1000 participants in the forum included business and political elites such as former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others. The advice they got was that the issue of extraterrestrial life is real, and they better start paying attention to the business implications.

This is a very interesting and welcome new development.
What other familiar faces were invited to speak at the Saudi GCF? The list is a long one, but to name only a few: former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was invited to speak, the Saudi Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, and former U.S. President Bill Clinton. We note that President Clinton’s name and photo were conspicuously absent from the long list of pre-announced conference speakers, but he did stand at the podium and he did speak of our world’s ongoing need for innovation. Perhaps in remaining as inconspicuous as possible, President Clinton hoped to avoid being asked any uncomfortable and possibly embarrassing questions regarding UFOs and the intelligence behind them.
The list of speakers and those who attended this conference is a lengthy roster of the movers and the shakers of our civilization’s global business community. Big companies, big money, big ideas. There is one characteristic about such a group as this of which we can be certain: they would not have their time wasted on nonsense. People whose lives operate at this echelon of human endeavor and responsibility do not suffer fools lightly and they keenly realize that naivety regarding the myriad forces that are at play in shaping our world and our reality is not a virtue. After all, it’s business, and these GCF attendees eat, sleep, and drink business.
Therefore, this unique panel of speakers invited to the 2011 GCF composed of Stanton Friedman, Jacques Vallee, Nick Pope, and Michio Kaku is a highly significant indicator that UFO Disclosure is gaining momentum. With this new involvement of the global business community, Disclosure may be imminent. To many of these business leaders, the term UFO will represent an Unprecedented Financial Opportunity.
The Friedman, Vallee, Pope, and Kaku panel were not invited to the GCF in order that GCF attendees could make fun of them, deride them, and call them “nut cases”. They were not invited to the GCF to provide entertainment. They were invited there because the momentum of UFO Disclosure is accelerating, and a great number of highly influential capitalists in our world now know with certainty that the UFO Phenomenon is real. These business leaders are educating themselves about the UFO Phenomenon, trying to put together their After Disclosure game plan in the light of their new awareness of this unprecedented reality. We should pay close attention to these developments and follow this example.